Gene­ral Auc­tion and Sales Con­di­ti­ons for Public Auc­tions (Pledge Rights)

  1. Bidders and buy­ers ack­now­ledge the fol­lo­wing auc­tion con­di­ti­ons by par­ti­ci­pa­ting in our auc­tion. The­se con­di­ti­ons also app­ly to pri­va­te sales.
  2. DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR auc­tions publicly in the name of others and on behalf of third par­ties.
  3. Upon request, the win­ning bidder will be infor­med of the prin­ci­pal of the respec­ti­ve items.
  4. The items offe­red for auc­tion can be view­ed at the spe­ci­fied time befo­re the auc­tion date; in the case of rights, after sub­mit­ting a non-dis­clo­sure agree­ment (NDA), the pro­vi­ded docu­ments can be review­ed in a vir­tu­al data room.
  5. The items and rights are sold in the con­di­ti­on they are in at the time of the auc­tion. They may have dama­ges or impairm­ents that are not men­tio­ned in the cata­log or other descrip­ti­ons. The buy­er ack­now­led­ges that any claims are excluded, and we do not pro­vi­de any war­ran­ty for qua­li­ty, con­di­ti­on, com­ple­ten­ess, open or hid­den defects, other dama­ges, or spe­cial cha­rac­te­ristics. The buy­er acqui­res or bids on new or used items or rights, exclu­ding any war­ran­ty. Tech­ni­cal data, mea­su­re­ments, weight infor­ma­ti­on, manu­fac­tu­ring years, or other value-deter­mi­ning details are non-bin­ding. Lis­tings of objects and descrip­ti­ons are pre­pared careful­ly and in good faith. They do not con­sti­tu­te a qua­li­ty agree­ment or gua­ran­tee. Writ­ten or ver­bal con­di­ti­on reports mere­ly reflect a sub­jec­ti­ve opi­ni­on and do not con­sti­tu­te a devia­ting indi­vi­du­al agree­ment from the abo­ve-men­tio­ned regu­la­ti­ons. They are pro­vi­ded as addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on wit­hout obli­ga­ti­on. Accor­ding to § 474 Abs 1 Satz 2 BGB, the regu­la­ti­ons for con­su­mer purcha­ses do not app­ly. Claims for dama­ges against DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR, its agents, and the con­si­gnor, regard­less of the legal basis, are also excluded. The dead­line for asser­ting any claims is one year. DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR assu­mes no lia­bi­li­ty for the estab­lish­ment or main­ten­an­ce of a tele­pho­ne or tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on con­nec­tion, espe­ci­al­ly in cases of force majeu­re. In the event of force majeu­re pre­ven­ting the per­for­mance of ser­vices, inclu­ding bid accep­tance, eit­her tem­po­r­a­ri­ly or per­ma­nent­ly, claims for dama­ges are excluded. The fol­lo­wing events are con­side­red force majeu­re: war, hig­her aut­ho­ri­ty decrees, epi­de­mics, sabo­ta­ge, power outa­ges, strikes and lock­outs, natu­ral dis­as­ters, geo­lo­gi­cal chan­ges, and influen­ces. During the auc­tion, the­re might be regio­nal varia­ti­ons in online live trans­mis­si­on times (laten­cy). We do not assu­me lia­bi­li­ty for any tech­ni­cal issues during the auc­tion trans­mis­si­on. In the event of a pos­si­ble non-accep­tance of a bid, the bidder must pro­ve in case of dis­pu­te that we, DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR, have acted negli­gent­ly. The right of return and revo­ca­ti­on accor­ding to §§ 312ff, 355ff BGB (Distance Sel­ling Act) does not app­ly to a public auc­tion: neither for purcha­se orders made through online bids, writ­ten, oral, or tele­pho­ne bids. The pic­to­ri­al part of cata­logs and other infor­ma­tio­nal mate­ri­als ser­ves as addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on for per­so­nal inspec­tion; errors except­ed. In case of dis­crepan­ci­es bet­ween the pic­to­ri­al and text parts, the text is bin­ding. DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR assu­mes no lia­bi­li­ty for faul­ty trans­la­ti­ons of cata­log texts from Ger­man into other lan­guages; the Ger­man ver­si­on is exclu­si­ve­ly aut­ho­ri­ta­ti­ve.
  6. Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the auc­tion is only allo­wed for ful­ly capa­ble indi­vi­du­als or com­pa­nies and their legal repre­sen­ta­ti­ves, who are ful­ly capa­ble and who have sub­mit­ted a com­mer­cial regis­ter extra­ct or aut­ho­riza­ti­on pro­of to DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR, unless other­wi­se spe­ci­fied, no later than 24 hours befo­re the auc­tion. The neces­sa­ry con­di­ti­on is time­ly regis­tra­ti­on in advan­ce and con­fir­ma­ti­on by DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR, as well as the time­ly sub­mis­si­on of a writ­ten bid form in advan­ce with the bidder’s desi­red pri­ce in order to be admit­ted to the auc­tion. This also entit­les the bidder to place online live bids, bids in per­son, or bids over the pho­ne. Per­so­nal bids on-site are also made elec­tro­ni­cal­ly using com­pu­ters pro­vi­ded by us against a depo­sit. A secu­ri­ty depo­sit of 1 euro from the bidder’s per­so­nal bank account via bank trans­fer to DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR is requi­red to estab­lish iden­ti­ty due to money laun­de­ring regu­la­ti­ons. The account details will be sent to the bidder by email after accep­ting the writ­ten bid form. This 1 euro will be prompt­ly refun­ded after the auc­tion con­cludes. If the bidder’s iden­ti­ty is alre­a­dy known, they do not need to trans­fer the amount. Bids must be sub­mit­ted in euros. Bids are bin­ding. The­re is no right of with­dra­wal from the purcha­se con­tract. DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR is entit­led to auc­tion the items lis­ted in the cata­log out of order, as well as to sepa­ra­te, com­bi­ne, or omit cata­log num­bers. All items may be with­drawn, even on the day of the auc­tion, due to legal reasons. The offer is only crea­ted by the call. The­re is no entit­le­ment to a call. Due to poten­ti­al tech­ni­cal issues, the accu­ra­cy of the infor­ma­ti­on can­not be gua­ran­teed. The bid­ding typi­cal­ly starts at the pri­ce sta­ted in the cata­log. Bid­ding is usual­ly done in incre­ments of 10%.
  7. The auc­tion­eer deter­mi­nes the level of start­ing bids at their dis­cre­ti­on for the enti­re auc­tion.
  8. The hig­hest bid recei­ves the award after being cal­led three times. DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR reser­ves the right to with­hold the award, refu­se it wit­hout giving reasons, and reject bids from unknown bidders if secu­ri­ty is not pro­vi­ded befo­re the auc­tion or if the cre­dit­wort­hi­ness of DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR can­not be cle­ar­ly deter­mi­ned or if reasons exist to belie­ve in unwil­ling­ness or ina­bi­li­ty to pay. If mul­ti­ple per­sons simul­ta­neous­ly place the same hig­hest bid, the auc­tion­eer deci­des at their own dis­cre­ti­on. Doubts about the award must be imme­dia­te­ly rai­sed. If a dis­agree­ment can­not be resol­ved imme­dia­te­ly, DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR may re-auc­tion the item. If the hig­hest bidder does not accept the bid, DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR may award the bid to the imme­dia­te­ly pre­ce­ding bid. The amounts indi­ca­ted on a writ­ten bid form for the pos­si­ble award pri­ce exclu­si­ve­ly refer to the surchar­ge plus VAT on the surchar­ge. If the award is made with reser­va­tions, the bidder is bound to their bid for 3 weeks. It expi­res if they do not recei­ve an uncon­di­tio­nal award within this time. If an award with reser­va­tions is not accept­ed, the cata­log num­ber can be assi­gned to ano­ther bidder wit­hout fur­ther inquiry. In all cases, the auctioneer’s arran­ge­ment is sole­ly bin­ding.
  9. The award obli­ges imme­dia­te pay­ment of the purcha­se pri­ce (award pri­ce plus surchar­ge plus VAT on the surchar­ge) and imme­dia­te accep­tance of the purcha­sed items or trans­fer of rights. In case of doubt, the auc­tion pro­to­col is decisi­ve.
  10. All pri­ces are in euros plus a surchar­ge on the award pri­ce of 25% or accor­ding to the surchar­ge sca­le published in the auc­tion announce­ment, each plus the appli­ca­ble legal value-added tax on the surchar­ge. DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR does not cal­cu­la­te VAT on the award pri­ce.
  11. The award invoice will be sent to the bidder by email imme­dia­te­ly after the end of the auc­tion. The bidder under­ta­kes to ensu­re the receipt of emails with PDF attach­ments from DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR. The total amount must be imme­dia­te­ly paid by imme­dia­te bank trans­fer from the bidder’s per­so­nal bank account to DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR. If the com­ple­te pay­ment obli­ga­ti­on is not ful­fil­led within 7 (seven) days after the award, the purcha­sed item can be auc­tion­ed again. In this case, the first buy­er is not admit­ted, and their secu­ri­ty depo­sits go to the auc­tion­eer. The first buy­er remains per­so­nal­ly lia­ble for the short­fall, and they have no cla­im to any sur­plus. Note on excep­tio­nal­ly accept­ed cash pay­ment: Only valid euro bank­no­tes are legal ten­der in Ger­ma­ny. Accor­ding to the Deut­sche Bun­des­bank, euro coins are a limi­t­ed legal ten­der, and DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR is only obli­ged to accept them as fol­lows: Coina­ge must be accept­ed from each buy­er only up to a total of 50 coins or a total coin value of 100 euros.
  12. The purcha­sed object is con­side­red deli­ver­ed to the buy­er with the award, wher­eby lia­bi­li­ty and the risk of acci­den­tal loss, loss, or dama­ge due to fire, water, storm, theft, and burgla­ry trans­fer to the buy­er. This also appli­es, espe­ci­al­ly, to access­ories. Howe­ver, owner­ship only pas­ses to the buy­er after full pay­ment of the award invoice.
  13. The coll­ec­tion of purcha­sed objects only takes place after com­ple­te receipt of pay­ment. The pri­ces for each item app­ly from the foun­da­ti­on or loca­ti­on, undis­mant­led and unloa­ded. Coll­ec­tion must take place on the spe­ci­fied dates. DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR is not obli­ga­ted to packa­ge, store, or ship; the­re is no insu­rance. Ship­ment will only be car­ri­ed out at the expli­cit request of the buy­er, exclu­si­ve­ly at their risk and expen­se. For delay­ed coll­ec­tion, fees of up to 10 euros per item per day may app­ly. If no coll­ec­tion is made within one week after the auc­tion, the auc­tion­eer is entit­led, wit­hout fur­ther noti­ce, to auc­tion the object(s) again or to sell them out­side of auc­tion. The resul­ting cos­ts and any short­fall are bor­ne by the ori­gi­nal buy­er. If the buy­er is in default of accep­ting the purcha­sed item or making pay­ment, default inte­rest is char­ged accor­ding to §§ 288 BGB at a rate of 5% or 8% abo­ve the base rate. In this case, the buyer’s rights from the award are extin­gu­is­hed, with the pro­vi­si­on that the unac­cept­ed item can be auc­tion­ed again. If the con­si­gnor sub­se­quent­ly claims dama­ges, the buy­er is lia­ble for both the sto­rage cos­ts of the auc­tion item’s surchar­ge by DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR from the ori­gi­nal auc­tion and for any short­fall in a sub­se­quent auc­tion. The buy­er has no cla­im to any sur­plus obtai­ned in a sub­se­quent auc­tion. Any com­pen­sa­ti­on claims resul­ting from untime­ly accep­tance have been assi­gned to the principal(s).
  14. The auc­tion­eer in char­ge of the auc­tion has the right to exclude indi­vi­du­als who dis­rupt the inspec­tion of the auc­tion­ed items or the con­duct and pro­gress of the auc­tion in any form or man­ner from par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the auc­tion and, if neces­sa­ry, to remo­ve them with the assis­tance of their own secu­ri­ty per­son­nel or with poli­ce assis­tance. The secu­ri­ty depo­sit paid by the­se indi­vi­du­als will then imme­dia­te­ly be for­fei­ted to DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR.
  15. The auc­tion­eer may inter­rupt or can­cel the auc­tion if they know or must assu­me based on cir­cum­s­tances that: 15.1. Peo­p­le have made arran­ge­ments to pre­vent others from bid­ding or con­ti­nuing to bid; 15.2. Items are to be auc­tion­ed by front per­sons to be sub­se­quent­ly sold or dis­tri­bu­ted among the par­ti­ci­pan­ts for their joint bene­fit; 15.3. Peo­p­le are bid­ding on behalf of others, eit­her pri­va­te­ly or pro­fes­sio­nal­ly, or are offe­ring to do so; 15.4. Peo­p­le form a purcha­sing ring with the inten­ti­on of mini­mi­zing the auc­tion pro­ceeds. The auc­tion­eer may exclude the indi­vi­du­als refer­red to in points 15.1 to 15.4 from par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the auc­tion and, if neces­sa­ry, remo­ve them with the assis­tance of their own secu­ri­ty per­son­nel or with poli­ce assis­tance. The secu­ri­ty depo­sit paid by the­se indi­vi­du­als will then imme­dia­te­ly be for­fei­ted to DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR.
  16. The buy­er can only off­set against DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR with undis­pu­ted or legal­ly estab­lished claims. A right of reten­ti­on by the buy­er is excluded unless it is based on the same con­trac­tu­al rela­ti­onship.
  17. No lia­bi­li­ty is assu­med for acci­dents during inspec­tion, auc­tion, and coll­ec­tion. Start­ing devices is strict­ly pro­hi­bi­ted.
  18. All per­sons during the inspec­tion or visi­tors of the auc­tion are lia­ble for any dama­ges cau­sed, regard­less of the type.
  19. The buy­er is lia­ble for acci­dents, dama­ges to buil­dings, for­eign objects, and fur­ther dama­ges.
  20. The auc­tion­eer is aut­ho­ri­zed to coll­ect and enforce purcha­se pri­ces and ancil­la­ry claims in their own name on behalf of the prin­ci­pal.
  21. A bidder who bids on behalf of ano­ther per­son is joint­ly and seve­r­al­ly lia­ble with that per­son.
  22. Invoices crea­ted during or imme­dia­te­ly after the auc­tion requi­re reex­ami­na­ti­on, and sub­se­quent cor­rec­tions are per­mis­si­ble.
  23. DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR records data of all busi­ness part­ners and pro­ces­ses them, as noted under the Fede­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Act (BDGS) and GDPR.
  24. Export decla­ra­ti­ons must be pre­pared exclu­si­ve­ly by the buy­er accor­ding to EU direc­ti­ves. DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR is not aut­ho­ri­zed to com­ple­te such decla­ra­ti­ons. Until pro­of of export is recei­ved, the sta­tu­to­ry VAT is retai­ned as secu­ri­ty.
  25. The auc­tion is con­duc­ted in the Ger­man lan­guage. 25.1 The public auc­tion is a sove­reign act, for which we are appoin­ted as publicly appoin­ted and sworn auc­tion­eers. The lan­guage of all pro­cee­dings, actions, texts, and con­tracts rela­ted to the auc­tion is Ger­man (cf. VwVfG § 23 (1) offi­ci­al lan­guage). 25.2 Pro­s­pec­ti­ve buy­ers who do not have know­ledge of the Ger­man lan­guage at a C1 level are obli­ga­ted to invol­ve a publicly appoin­ted, sworn inter­pre­ter to par­ti­ci­pa­te. By par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the auc­tion, pro­s­pec­ti­ve buy­ers (bidders) agree to this.
  26. Appli­ca­ble law and juris­dic­tion: All dis­pu­tes with entre­pre­neurs accor­ding to § 14 BGB ari­sing in con­nec­tion with the con­tract or its vali­di­ty will be final­ly deci­ded under the Arbi­tra­ti­on Rules of the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce for Munich and Upper Bava­ria (IHK Munich) by a sin­gle judge, app­ly­ing the sub­stan­ti­ve law and pro­ce­du­ral lan­guage of the IHK Munich’s arbi­tra­ti­on court, to the exclu­si­on of the ordi­na­ry legal pro­cess. For the con­tract, its exe­cu­ti­on, and the resul­ting claims for non-entre­pre­neurs, the law of the Fede­ral Repu­blic of Ger­ma­ny appli­es. The place of juris­dic­tion is the court com­pe­tent for the regis­tered office of the con­trac­tor, to the ext­ent that such a juris­dic­tion agree­ment can be valid­ly made.
  27. If indi­vi­du­al pro­vi­si­ons of this con­tract are or beco­me inef­fec­ti­ve or void, this shall not affect the vali­di­ty of the remai­ning pro­vi­si­ons of this con­tract.
  28. DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR is aut­ho­ri­zed to assert the buyer’s rights in their own name.
Cont­act point accor­ding to the Con­su­mer Dis­pu­te Sett­le­ment Act  („Ver­brau­cher­streit­bei­le­gungs­ge­setz“) is Accor­ding to Sec­tion 36 (1) VSBG, howe­ver, we are not obli­ged to take part in a dis­pu­te sett­le­ment pro­ce­du­re due to the size of our com­pa­ny. If you want to cla­ri­fy a mat­ter – just cont­act us! We always try to sett­le pro­blems ami­ca­bly.