
Terms of Who­le­sa­le Public Auc­tion and Sale

  1. DEUT­SCHE PFAND­VER­WER­TUNG Oster­may­er & Dr. Gold GbR (her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as the “Auc­tion­eer”) offers the pro­per­ty in a public auc­tion at which the inte­res­ted par­ties may par­ti­ci­pa­te per­so­nal­ly (§ 474 of the Ger­man Civil Code — BGB) in its own name as con­si­gnee and for the account of the depo­si­tors (con­si­gno­rs) who­se names are not dis­c­lo­sed. The enc­lo­sed Auc­tion Con­di­ti­ons are reco­gni­zed by the con­si­gnor as forming an inte­gral part of the con­tract. The con­si­gnor is com­mit­ted to the auc­tion order (cf. Sec­tion 12) up to the sett­le­ment date refer­red to in Sec­tion 15.
  2. The con­si­gnor her­eby con­firms that he (she/it) has been infor­med of the place and date of the auc­tion.
  3. The con­si­gnor con­firms that he is owner of the con­si­gned pro­per­ty with appro­pria­te powers of dis­po­si­ti­on or is aut­ho­ri­zed to act on behalf of the owner; this also rela­tes to the part­ner of the owner in the case of dome­stic pro­per­ty con­si­gned to the Auctioneer.The sup­pli­er con­firms that he/she ful­fils the requi­re­ments for the appli­ca­ti­on of dif­fe­ren­ti­al taxa­ti­on accor­ding to § 25a of the Ger­man Tur­no­ver Tax Law (Umsatz­steu­er­ge­setz). In par­ti­cu­lar, he/she ful­fils one of the fol­lo­wing con­di­ti­ons: 1) The sup­pli­er is a pri­va­te indi­vi­du­al or a public cor­po­ra­te body, who is not an entre­pre­neur. 2) The sup­pli­er is an entre­pre­neur, and the sup­pli­ed item ori­gi­na­tes from the non-entre­pre­neu­ri­al seg­ment of the sup­pli­er. 3) The sup­pli­er is an entre­pre­neur and the deli­very of the item is sub­ject to tax exemp­ti­on, though, which leads to the exclu­si­on of the input tax deduc­tion. 4) The sup­pli­er is a small-sca­le entre­pre­neur and is exempt­ed from the tax accor­ding to the laws of the mem­ber sta­te respon­si­ble for taxa­ti­on or excluded from taxa­ti­on by other means. 5) The sup­pli­er is a resel­ler and has also used dif­fe­ren­ti­al taxa­ti­on on the deli­very. If the sup­pli­er fails to inform the auc­tion­eer that he/she ful­fils none of the­se requi­re­ments, he/she bears the expen­ses for any neces­sa­ry cor­rec­tions to invoices and accounts.
  4. The pro­per­ty items are second-hand. The con­si­gnor is lia­ble to the Auc­tion­eer for all qua­li­ty and legal defects with a cor­re­spon­ding appli­ca­ti­on of the law of sale. The limi­ta­ti­on peri­od is 12 months and com­men­ces on the date of the knock­down. In the event of jus­ti­fied com­plaints by the buy­er, the con­si­gnor shall be lia­ble if he is guil­ty of a breach of duty, also for com­pen­sa­ti­on.
  5. If defects or doubts on the lack of defects ari­se befo­re the auc­tion, the Auc­tion­eer is entit­led to with­draw the pro­per­ty in ques­ti­on from the auc­tion or to post­po­ne the auc­tion to ano­ther auc­tion date. If the Auc­tion­eer con­siders it advi­sa­ble to con­duct rese­ar­ches, the resul­ting cos­ts shall be bor­ne by the con­si­gnor.
  6. The pro­per­ty will be auc­tion­ed at the best pos­si­ble pri­ce (unli­mi­t­ed) or at the agreed mini­mum pri­ce (limit). No limi­ta­ti­on shall basi­cal­ly app­ly with esti­ma­ted pri­ces up to 750.00 Euro. Any ent­ry in the “Limit/Taxe” column only appli­es as an appro­xi­ma­te value for details of the esti­ma­ted pri­ce in the case of pro­per­ties below 1000.00 Euro. Unli­mi­t­ed pro­per­ties may be sold at 50 % of the esti­ma­ted pri­ce refer­red to in the auc­tion.
    Pre­cious metal pro­per­ties may be sold below their mate­ri­al value. If an agreed limit can­not be rea­ched, the Auc­tion­eer is entit­led to knock­down sub­ject to reser­va­ti­on (UV-Zuschlag). The con­si­gnor is obli­ged to noti­fy his decis­i­on on this imme­dia­te­ly and to noti­fy the Auc­tion­eer in wri­ting. The Auc­tion­eer shall be gran­ted com­pen­sa­ti­on for the limits fixed for seve­ral pro­per­ties. The Auc­tion­eer is empowered to auc­tion up to the limit for the con­si­gnor at his dis­cre­ti­on and to issue the knock­down to the afo­re­said if neces­sa­ry. A rever­sal is made in this case.
  7. The pro­per­ty items are to be deli­ver­ed to the Auc­tion­eer at the cost and risk of the con­si­gnor. In accordance with § 25a (7) 3 of the Ger­man Tur­no­ver Tax Act (UStG), tax exemp­ti­on is excluded for deli­veries within the Euro­pean Uni­on. In the case of con­sign­ments from non-EU count­ries, the con­si­gnor is obli­ged to ensu­re that due and pro­per cus­toms cle­arance is effec­ted unless he has com­mis­sio­ned the Auc­tion­eer to exe­cu­te the impor­ta­ti­on for­ma­li­ties. Cus­toms duty and cle­arance cos­ts shall be for the account of the con­si­gnor. Tur­no­ver tax on imports may be refun­ded sub­ject to the cur­rent tur­no­ver tax law. This shall not app­ly if pro­per­ty items remain unsold.
  8. The Auc­tion­eer is com­mis­sio­ned to insu­re the pro­per­ty items against any risks (espe­ci­al­ly fire, theft and dama­ge) at the cost of the con­si­gnor in the amount of the limit or — in the event of unli­mi­t­ed pro­per­ty items — based on the esti­ma­ted pri­ce, in both cases less the agreed dis­count; more exten­si­ve lia­bi­li­ty of the insurer is excluded. Dama­ges cau­sed by ter­ror and hazards from using che­mi­cal, bio­lo­gi­cal, bio­che­mi­cal sub­s­tances or elec­tro­ma­gne­tic waves as wea­pons dan­ge­rous to the public, regard­less of other cau­ses invol­ved, remains excluded from the insu­rance cover. The share of cos­ts of risk is equi­va­lent to 1 % of esti­ma­ted pri­ce (plus value-added tax). The peri­od from the con­sign­ment until 2 weeks after sett­le­ment is insu­red. If the con­si­gnor does not wish insu­rance cover to be taken out by the Auc­tion­eer, all sta­tu­to­ry or con­trac­tu­al lia­bi­li­ty of the Auc­tion­eer is ther­eby excluded unless the Auc­tion­eer is guil­ty of wilful intent or gross negli­gence. The afo­re­said lia­bi­li­ty exclu­si­on shall also app­ly to the per­so­nal lia­bi­li­ty of the legal repre­sen­ta­ti­ves, seni­or employees, other employees and vica­rious agents of the Auc­tion­eer.
  9. If pro­per­ty items remain unsold becau­se the agreed limits are not rea­ched, the Auc­tion­eer shall be entit­led to demand 3 % of the limit (plus value-added tax) as a lump-sum cost reim­bur­se­ment (com­mis­si­on repla­ce­ment — “PE”) if this is agreed in par­ti­cu­lar when the con­tract is signed. The con­si­gnor shall at all events be obli­ged to reim­bur­se all and any dis­bur­se­ments incur­red.
  10. Unsold objects must be picked up by the deli­ve­ring par­ty wit­hout request at the latest 14 days after bil­ling in accordance with Sec­tion 15. After this peri­od, the auc­tion­eer can eit­her place the objects into third par­ty sto­rage at the deli­ve­ring party’s expen­se and risk and/or include the object in a fur­ther auc­tion alt­hough in this case the limit is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly redu­ced by 50%; at the third auc­tio­ning attempt the limit is set to 0. The deli­ve­ring par­ty will be infor­med about the inclu­si­on of the object in a fur­ther auc­tion. In case of sto­rage, the deli­ve­ring par­ty shall also bear the any neces­sa­ry insu­rance cos­ts. In case of sto­rage, a cost of up to € 10,- Euros (plus VAT) per day per object or the rate char­ged by the sto­rage com­pa­ny will be char­ged. An issue date for stored objects must be agreed with the auc­tion­eer. Each trans­por­ta­ti­on, as well as pack­a­ging, insu­rance and return ship­ment of unsold objects will be under­ta­ken at the deli­ve­ring party’s cost and risk; the auc­tion­eer is only the agent for the­se ser­vices. Return ship­ments will only be sent if the auc­tion­eer or the com­pa­ny assi­gned to under­ta­ke this task has recei­ved a signed ship­ping order from the deli­ve­ring par­ty (the deli­ve­ring par­ty recei­ves this form tog­e­ther with the auc­tio­ning bill) and when all the deter­mi­ned ship­ping cos­ts and other claims made by the auc­tion­eer have been paid.
  11. Pro­ceeds attri­bu­ta­ble to the con­si­gnor for auc­tion­ed pro­per­ty items are sett­led by deduc­ting the agreed com­mis­si­on and all dis­bur­se­ments from the ham­mer pri­ce. In the case of con­sign­ments from Ger­ma­ny and the Euro­pean Uni­on, the sta­tu­to­ry value-added tax is included in the com­mis­si­on and is not shown sepa­ra­te­ly. Cata­lo­gue cos­ts are char­ged on a flat-rate basis. Descrip­ti­on cos­ts: 2.50 Euro per cata­lo­gue line, no descrip­ti­on cos­ts in mis­cel­la­neous cata­lo­gues. Illus­tra­ti­on cos­ts (in Euro): 1/1 of a page 150.00 (b/w), 220.00 (4c); 1/2 of a page 95.00 (b/w), 125.00 (4c); 1/4 of a page 75.00 (b/w), 95.00 (4c); smal­ler illus­tra­ti­ons pro rata. Mul­ti-page top pre­sen­ta­ti­on of pres­ti­gious artic­les: 450.00. Illus­tra­ti­ons in mis­cel­la­neous cata­lo­gues (b/w): 25.00;. Cor­re­spon­ding cost reim­bur­se­ment must also be made for items not sold at auc­tion. The descrip­ti­on and the cata­lo­gue illus­tra­ti­on shall be made at the Auctioneer’s dis­cre­ti­on. Addi­tio­nal dis­bur­se­ments, e.g. for indi­vi­du­al adver­ti­sing cam­paigns, trans­port, res­to­ra­ti­on work, tra­vel­ling expen­ses and expert valua­tions, are char­ged on the basis of docu­men­ted expen­ses. Value-added tax is paya­ble on all dis­bur­se­ments. The sta­tu­to­ry value-added tax is not reim­b­ursable for for­eign con­si­gno­rs. In order to sett­le the sta­tu­to­ry right of stop­pa­ge in tran­sit (Artic­le 26 of the Ger­man Copy­right Act — UrhG), the Auc­tion­eer has paid a levy on the sales pro­ceeds to the “Aus­gleichs­ver­ei­ni­gung KUNST” asso­cia­ti­on for all ori­gi­nal works of fine art and pho­to­graphs crea­ted sin­ce 1900. The con­si­gnor bears half of the appli­ca­ble levy in force on the sett­le­ment date (levy rate in Janu­ary 2007: 1,9 % of the ham­mer pri­ce).
  12. If the con­si­gnor with­draws the assign­ment he shall pay a flat rate com­pen­sa­ti­on equi­va­lent to 30% of the esti­ma­ted value of the pro­per­ty and dis­bur­se­ments incur­red by the Auc­tion­eer, plus value-added tax. This shall also app­ly of the exe­cu­ti­on of the order is can­cel­led on account of a cul­pa­ble breach of duty by the con­si­gnor, espe­ci­al­ly on account of any defects in the qua­li­ty of the pro­per­ty (cf. Sec­tion 5). The Auc­tion­eer shall reser­ve the right to enforce addi­tio­nal dama­ges. The con­si­gnor has the right to docu­ment or pro­ve that no dama­ge was incur­red or that or that it is much lower than the flat rate.
  13. Sta­tu­to­ry value added tax (MwSt) is curr­ent­ly 19% (Janu­ary 2007).
  14. If it recei­ves no auc­tion pro­ceeds from the buy­er, the Auc­tion­eer shall not be lia­ble to the con­si­gnor for the sett­le­ment of the tran­sac­tion after noti­fi­ca­ti­on of its exe­cu­ti­on inso­far as it informs the con­si­gnor of the name and address of the buy­er curr­ent­ly known to it. Lia­bi­li­ty for the sale pro­ceeds shall only app­ly as far as the Auc­tion­eer is con­cer­ned if it has alre­a­dy han­ded over the auc­tion­ed pro­per­ty to the buy­er.
  15. The deli­ve­ring par­ty will be invoi­ced in accordance with Sec­tion 1 six weeks after the end of the auc­tion. Pay­ment shall be made in accordance with the sta­ted pay­ment mode. The qui­ckest and safest mode is pay­ment via money trans­fer. Inso­far as cash-free pay­ment has been agreed, the down pay­ment is put back for pay­ment on demand. The auc­tion­eer is entit­led to off­set auc­tion reve­nue with the deli­ve­ring party’s lia­bi­li­ties. In case the deli­ve­ring par­ty requests the pay­ment of the bill as a che­que, the auc­tion­eer shall not be lia­ble for unaut­ho­ri­sed use of the che­que.
  16.  In accordance with § 25a of the Ger­man Tur­no­ver Tax Act (UStG), con­sign­ments in Ger­ma­ny and con­sign­ments from count­ries within the Euro­pean Uni­on are sub­ject to a dif­fe­ren­ti­al tax. Repay­ment of the value-added tax on the net pro­ceeds is excluded the­r­e­fo­re.
  17. If objects are not auc­tion­ed off in the inten­ded auc­tion, they shall remain for sub­se­quent sale; the order con­di­ti­ons app­ly simi­lar­ly.
  18. The cos­ts of any legal pur­su­it or pro­se­cu­ti­on abroad are to be bor­ne by the Buy­er unless they are reim­b­ursable under the respec­ti­ve natio­nal law.
  19. The pre­sent con­tract includes all agree­ments bet­ween the con­si­gnor and the Auc­tion­eer. Any amend­ments to this auc­tion con­tract must be made in wri­ting in order to be valid.
  20.  The place of per­for­mance is Die­t­rams­zell. If the buy­er is a regis­tered trader or if he has no gene­ral legal venue in Ger­ma­ny, the legal venue is Wolfrats­hau­sen. With the excep­ti­on of the Uni­form Laws of Purcha­se and Con­clu­si­on of Con­tracts, Ger­man law shall app­ly.
  21. If one or more pro­vi­si­ons of the­se Auc­tion Con­di­ti­ons are whol­ly or par­ti­al­ly inva­lid, the vali­di­ty of the other pro­vi­si­ons will remain in full force and effect.
  22. The con­si­gnor took note of, and duly reco­gni­zed, the afo­re­said Con­di­ti­ons when the auc­tion order was issued.
  23. Arbi­tra­ti­on Clau­se
    All dis­pu­tes for ari­sing in con­nec­tion with the­se con­tract or its vali­di­ty shall be final­ly sett­led on accordance with the Arbi­tra­ti­on Rules of the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce Mün­chen wit­hout recour­se to the ordi­na­ry courts of law. The place of arbi­tra­ti­on is Mün­chen. The arbi­tral tri­bu­nal con­sist of 3 arbi­tra­tors. The sub­stan­ti­ve law of Ger­ma­ny BGB & HGB is appli­ca­ble to the dis­pu­te. The lan­guage of the arbi­tral pro­cee­ding is Ger­man.

When taking part in our who­le­sa­le auc­tion you shall ack­now­ledge the fol­lo­wing terms of who­le­sa­le auc­tion: This who­le­sa­le auc­tion is only for trad­ers and self-employ­ed per­sons. Pri­va­te per­sons can not take part in a who­le­sa­le auc­tion.

The objects shall be sold in the con­di­ti­on that they are in at the time of the auc­tion. The purcha­ser shall reco­gni­ze that any recla­ma­ti­on is excluded and that no lia­bi­li­ty shall be assu­med for goods, qua­li­ty, com­ple­ten­ess, spe­cial cha­rac­te­ristics, obvious or hid­den faults and other dama­ge. Tech­ni­cal data, dimen­si­ons, decla­ra­ti­ons of weight, years of con­s­truc­tion, mileage and ope­ra­ting hours indi­ca­ted in the cata­lo­gue as well as the kilo­me­t­res and hours of ope­ra­ti­on which are actual­ly on the devices and vehic­les are not bin­ding. A pri­or vie­w­ing is express­ly advi­sed. This shall app­ly, abo­ve all, in case of writ­ten offers.

As a rule, public auc­tion shall take place accor­ding to con­se­cu­ti­ve num­bers. In par­ti­cu­lar cases, we shall reser­ve the right to chan­ge the order and to exclude or sum­ma­ri­ze posi­ti­ons. Indi­vi­du­al items may be sub­ject to pri­or sale.

The fall of the ham­mer shall ensue after the third call plus an auc­tio­ning char­ge ( plea­se have a look at the auc­tion cata­lo­gue ) and plus the legal value-added tax on the total amount.
In case of exporta­ti­on to third count­ries, a depo­sit of secu­ri­ty amoun­ting to the legal value-added tax must be paid.
If seve­ral peo­p­le make one and the same bid at the same time, the auc­tion­eer shall deci­de. If doubt exists con­cer­ning the fall of the ham­mer, the auc­tion­eer can put the item up for sale again. Each bid can be refu­sed and the fall of the ham­mer rejec­ted accor­ding to agree­ment with the prin­ci­pal. The hig­hest bidder shall be com­mit­ted to his/her bid, whe­re­as the auc­tion­eer shall only be entit­led to knock down with reser­va­ti­on.

The amount of the mini­mum bid shall be deter­mi­ned sepera­te­ly at the dis­cre­ti­on of the auc­tion­eer for the enti­re auc­tion or for indi­vi­du­al items.

After the kno­cking down, pay­ment of the total cla­im must be made to the auc­tion­eer in cash or by check con­firm­ed with an irre­vo­ca­ble bank con­fir­ma­ti­on. If this obli­ga­ti­on is not adhe­red to, the object of purcha­se shall be auc­tion­ed again. The first purcha­ser shall not be per­mit­ted to bid again. He/She shall remain per­so­nal­ly lia­ble for the loss. He/She shall not be entit­led to a pro­fit. Off­sets shall not be admis­si­ble.

The purcha­ser shall be obli­ged to take deli­very of the goods purcha­sed at the auc­tion.

All pay­ments must only be made to the auc­tion­eer or his/her aut­ho­ri­zed employee.

The object of purcha­se shall be valid as han­ded over to the purcha­ser upon the fall of the ham­mer, lia­bi­li­ty and dan­ger of inci­den­tal ruin, loss or dama­ge through fire, water, storm, theft and burgla­ry also being trans­fer­red to the purcha­ser. This shall also be valid par­ti­cu­lar­ly for access­ories.
The pro­per­ty shall, howe­ver, only be han­ded over to the purcha­ser after com­ple­te pay­ment and encash­ment of the means of pay­ment.

The auc­tion­eer shall be entit­led to coll­ect purcha­se money and sup­ple­men­ta­ry pay­ments and sue for them in his/her own name for account of the prin­ci­pal.

Invoices issued during or direct­ly after the auc­tion must be che­cked again due to over­bur­de­ning of Accoun­ting, so that sub­se­quent cor­rec­tions shall be per­mis­si­ble.

The deli­very of the goods purcha­sed at auc­tion shall only take place after full pay­ment. The pri­ces for every object are unders­tood ex works/foundation, not dis­moun­ted and unloa­ded. The goods purcha­sed at auc­tion must nevert­hel­ess be coll­ec­ted com­ple­te­ly within the dead­lines given. Should the coll­ec­tion date be excee­ded, the purcha­ser shall be lia­ble for all con­se­quen­ti­al char­ges, e.g. fur­ther sto­rage, pos­si­ble release from store, dis­moun­ting.

Lia­bi­li­ty shall not be assu­med for acci­dents during vie­w­ing, auc­tio­ning and coll­ec­tion. Put­ting devices into ope­ra­ti­on is strict­ly pro­hi­bi­ted.

All visi­tors to the auc­tion shall be lia­ble for dama­ges cau­sed of any kind.

The purcha­ser shall be lia­ble for acci­dents, dama­ge to buil­dings, for­eign objects, etc.

The afo­re­said terms shall also app­ly to all objects put up for sale which are sold pri­va­te­ly.

We shall char­ge € 75.00 plus value-added tax for the dra­wing-up of export decla­ra­ti­ons.

The place of per­for­mance and juris­dic­tion for auc­tions in Ger­ma­ny is Die­t­rams­zell.

Prin­ting errors and mista­kes are reser­ved.

Gua­ran­tee shall not be given for the con­for­mi­ty bet­ween pho­tos and tech­ni­cal descrip­ti­on as well as posi­ti­on num­bers.

We shall record the data of all busi­ness part­ners in files and use them, which is indi­ca­ted accor­ding to the Fede­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Act.

The Ger­man ver­si­on of the­se Con­di­ti­ons is legal­ly bin­ding

Cont­act point accor­ding to the Con­su­mer Dis­pu­te Sett­le­ment Act  („Ver­brau­cher­streit­bei­le­gungs­ge­setz“) is Accor­ding to Sec­tion 36 (1) VSBG, howe­ver, we are not obli­ged to take part in a dis­pu­te sett­le­ment pro­ce­du­re due to the size of our com­pa­ny. If you want to cla­ri­fy a mat­ter – just cont­act us! We always try to sett­le pro­blems ami­ca­bly.